IMI Projects

STEM Passport for Inclusion

Client | FunderMaynooth University | SFI Ireland Discover


Maynooth University | SFI Ireland Discover




The STEM Passport for Inclusion in Ireland aims to support girls who are in pursuing STEM education and careers. The programme is a joint initiative by Maynooth University, Microsoft Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and the Department of Education that addresses inequalities with access to STEM careers among secondary school students in socially disadvantaged communities.

The Institute for Methods Innovation has been contracted to conduct an impact evaluation of the STEM Passport for Inclusion programme to assess the effectiveness of the extension of the project in promoting young women’s engagement and success in STEM fields. The evaluation will focus on the project’s impact on students’ perception and confidence in STEM, as well as its overall effectiveness in challenging gender stereotypes and increasing participation in science subjects among secondary school girls in Ireland.