IMI Publications

Stakeholder Focus Research: Qualitative findings

Date: March 2018
Qualitative research with the arts and culture sector March 2018

Jensen, E. A. & Jensen, A. M. (2018). Stakeholder Focus Research: Qualitative findings. Arts Council England.


This research investigates stakeholders’ views about the Arts Council as part of a periodic evaluation of attitudes about the Arts Council’s priorities, work, relationships, communication, investment processes and contribution to the sector. The Arts Council has used this research since 2009 as a way to engage with its stakeholders and to assess its performance and reputation among its key audiences. To continue with this on-going series of studies, in 2017 the Arts Council commissioned Qualia Analytics to conduct two strands of Stakeholder Focus Research.

This report presents findings from 27 in-depth, qualitative interviews with a diverse range of Arts Council England stakeholders. These stakeholder interviews represent “Strand 1” of the 2017 2018 Arts Council England Stakeholder Research conducted between October and November 2017. This report is divided into two main sections:

1. Overall perceptions of the Arts Council as an organisation:

1.1 The Arts Council and its Role ‘Strengths’ for the Arts Council

The overarching ‘strengths’ of the the Arts Council most commonly voiced by stakeholders pertain the following:

• The Arts Council’s Sector focus is is recognised in its commitment to the arts and culture sector, and role in providing linkages between arts and culture stakeholders. This encompasses a broad Scope, including provides funding, advocacy and sector development.

• The Arts Council is seen to have broad Geographic reach, which includes nation-wide and regional presence across England.

• The Arts Council’s role is frequently described as Supportive as open and accessible, recognising good work, communicating well, and being a critical friend and advocate.