IMI Publications

RRING Global Survey Research Dataset (WP3)

Date: 2021
Responsible Research and Innovation Globally Dataset

Lorenz, L. & Jensen, E. (2021). RRING Global Survey Research Dataset (WP3). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4719938


The RRING Work Package 3 (WP3) objective was to clarify how Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) operated within region-specific research and innovation environments. It explored how they navigated the governance and regulatory frameworks for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), as well as offering their perspectives on the entities responsible for RRI-related policy and action in their locales.

This data set covers the global survey research part, which was designed to contextualise how RPOs and RFOs interacted within the research environment and with non-academic stakeholders. Countries were grouped according to the UNESCO regions of the world and key results per region are listed below. For a detailed analysis and further findings of the work completed under WP3 of the RRING project, please refer to the full deliverable document “State of the Art of RRI in the Five UNESCO World Regions”