IMI Projects


Client | FunderEuropean Commission Horizon Europe IA (2024-)
Years2024 -


European Commission Horizon Europe IA (2024-)


2024 -



The Rare Earth and Magnets Hub for a resilient Europe (REMHub) project will launch a cutting-edge digital innovation hub propelling European excellence in Rare Earth Elements and magnets. REMHub will develop, test and pilot novel technologies for exploration and primary production of rare earth elements, magnets, and recovering rare earths from side streams to enhance supply security in the EU.

In addition, Re-X (recycle, reuse, refurbishment and repurposing) technologies for rare earths and valuable metals from end-of-life products as well as electric machine design for easier permanent magnet recycling, will be developed.

The project will identify and engage relevant stakeholders for developing the REE value chain in the EU. The hub will ensure that the novel technologies developed in the project can be commercialised and offered as services in a digital platform.

REMHub involves dynamic communication and dissemination with the aim to involve and engage the public to develop trust and awareness related to REEs and to build capacity in the EU.

Project partners cover the entire REE value chain, from mineral exploration, through mineral processing and refining to metal production and magnet making, as well as recycling. REMHub aims to improve the supply security of REEs in the EU and, with the digital innovation hub, accelerate the development of technologies and services to faster and easier market entry.

The Institute for Methods Innovation leads WP6: Stakeholder engagement and tasks related to ethical good practices, data management, impact planning, policy impact and public engagement.