IMI Projects

GRRIP: Grounding RRI Practices in Research Performing Organisations

Client | FunderEuropean Commission Horizon2020 Coordination and Support Action
Years2018 - 2022


European Commission Horizon2020 Coordination and Support Action


2018 - 2022



We have worked on creating a sustainable, growing and proactive marine and maritime RRI community. The purpose of the GRRIP project was to deliver a practical RRI framework for implementing institutional and cultural change in marine and maritime research organisations.

The marine and maritime (M&M) sector has a high priority for the EU. However, this research sector is one of the most exposed to a risk of the loose connection between scientific research, societal actors and the environment, affecting its performance and competitiveness. Growth in Europe’s maritime economy (often referred to as the Blue Economy), has the potential to meet pressing needs for energy, food and economic growth.

Much work has been done on the concept RRI by EU projects in the 2000’s. However, the bulk of the projects relating to institutional change for RPO&RFOs have focused on one of the five keys individually. Relatively few have focused on the current Topic’s aim of Grounding RRI practices in the RPO&RFOs themselves as part of an integrated approach.

GRRIP worked on embedding sustainable Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI practices) in 4 research performing organizations (RPO) and 1 dual-function RPO and research funding organization (RPO/RFO) in the marine and maritime sectors to achieve institutional and cultural change. The project aimed to bring institutional and cultural change within these 5 RPO&RFO entities through the implementation of RRI practices.