IMI Projects

GlobalSCAPE: Global Science Communication and Perception

Client | FunderEuropean Commission Horizon2020 Research and Innovation
Years2021 - 2023


European Commission Horizon2020 Research and Innovation


2021 - 2023



The principal aim of GlobalSCAPE is to generate a detailed picture of science communication in a global context. Recent research focused on taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication has concentrated primarily on science communication in Europe and the western world.

The experiences of science communication professionals in these regions have traditionally been under-represented. GlobalSCAPE will ensure that a full and accurate picture of global science communication can be established.

GlobalSCAPE expands outwards from this to take stock of the lesser-heard voices: the science communicators working in non-western countries and in regions where taking stock of science communication is particularly difficult.

The landscape and modes of science communication are changing. This is, in large measure, the result of advances in digital communication in combination with ready and widespread access to smart devices.

The central component to the methodology implements a large-scale programme of automated diary studies to gather perspectives of science communication professionals. Those perspectives and variations will be mapped over time, providing a powerful tool for analysis.

In its methodology, GlobalSCAPE builds on the very technologies that are changing this landscape. It exploits the global ubiquity of smart devices to implement an innovative and large-scale programme of data collection through the use of state-of-the-art methods in automated diary studies and draws on the expertise of a multi-disciplinary and international team of partners.