IMI Publications

Ethical issues from online learning technologies

Date: 2022
Type: ,
Journal of Education - Online learning technologies

Junwerlo Ng, & Rodrigo, R. (2022). Ethical issues from online learning technologies. Journal of Education Thaksin University, Thailand, (22:2)


Ethical issues in online learning have been a subject of scrutiny since the start of the infiltration of technology, remote learning, and distance learning in educational systems. The benefits of online learning include self-learning, a cheaper form of education, flexibility, and the comfort of having classes or attending classes in the coziness of your own space. However, ethical issues have been a concern to deal with by educational leaders, school administrators, teachers, and students. Six recent studies backed with contemporary literature were bound to analysis through a thematic analysis approach. This study uncovered three common ethical issues in online learning: academic fraud, technology appropriateness, compatibility, and consent and confidentiality. The study exposed collaboration, plagiarism, and cheating using the internet during tests and exams as standard practices in academic fraud.

The study also showed an unequal distribution of ICT, infrastructure problems, lack of digital literacy, digital divide, and out-of-date technology as disputes in technology appropriateness and compatibility. Using student data analytics, public assessment, and feedbacking are some matters on consent and confidentiality. This research can help students and educators reflect and expand their knowledge on academic fraud, consent and confidentiality, and technology appropriateness and compatibility, and create actions to address them while maximizing technology in delivering quality education. This makes a way in lobbying, crafting, or fortifying policies, rules, and regulations, and professional development.