Wiley, R. & Rodrigo, R. T. (2019). Determining the Efficacy of Indirect, Coded, Unfocused written corrective feedback in Thai cultural context. International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS). Volume-5, Issue-4. ISSNE: 2394-7926.
There is a wide body of literature showing that quality teacher feedback is directly related to academic success. What is not so clearly defined, however, is what exactly constitutes “quality” feedback, particularly when considering written corrective feedback strategies in ESL environments. Also unclear is whether or not established forms of feedback are equally as effective when applied in different cultural contexts. The aim of this study was to add to the existing body of knowledge associated with the efficacy of written corrective feedback and to examine its effectiveness with consideration of the Thai cultural context within which it was delivered. The findings of the study showed that indirect, coded, unfocused written corrective feedback was effective at improving the writing accuracy of Thai university students. It was also discovered that 52% of the 2718 writing errors marked for correction were semantic mistakes. The results of this study should help both foreign and local teachers choose written corrective feedback strategies when teaching in Thai higher education learning environments. It also calls for further research in regards to the possible connection between written semantic mistakes, L1 interference, and electronic translators.