IMI Projects


Client | FunderInterreg Atlantic Area Program (2024-2026)


Interreg Atlantic Area Program (2024-2026)





The Atlantic InnoBlue Communities (ATLIC) project aims to create a new approach to youth innovation and entrepreneurship in the development of the Atlantic Area’s blue economy. The project’s overall objective is to build a pilot Atlantic Innovation Blue Community based on open innovation labs, knowledge-transfer, capacity building, and supporting networks to develop market solutions to common challenges faced in the Region.

The project’s approach is based on the four-helix model, bringing together young people, academia, SMEs, public, private institutions and promoting their active involvement in the community. The aim of the project is to have more young people take an active role in sustainable economic development, increasing their innovation capacities and employment opportunities.

The Institute for Methods Innovation will provide expertise in research, analysis, training, advice, consultation, and technology services related to sustainability and social change. We will provide insights and recommendations on best practices, as well as offer guidance on effective communication strategies to reach and engage different target groups. Our experience working with governmental bodies and leading higher education institutions will bring valuable perspectives on policy and institutional frameworks related to innovation and entrepreneurship.

We are involved in the following project tasks:

  • Designing research methodologies to identify challenges in the blue economy
  • Establishing the ATLIC Open Academy
  • Bringing new members to the project cluster through networking with other projects

Read our most recent press release:

Interreg Atlantic Area Project, ATLIC, launches kick off meeting to foster youth innovation and entrepreneurship in the blue economy.