Russell Rodrigo

Senior Education Consultant

Russell Rodrigo

Senior Education Consultant

Professional Publications (selected)

ISSN: 2730-2318

Ethical Climate, Personnel Engagements and Job Satisfaction in The Nakhonsawan Diocesan Schools in Thailand

This research delved into the ethical climate, personnel engagement and job satisfaction levels of administrators, teachers and non-teaching staff in the schools owned and managed…
9th International Scholars' conference proceedings October 25-26, 2022. Asia-Pacific International University Thailand

Determining the factors that influence job satisfaction and motivation of foreign teachers in five private schools in Bangkok, Thailand during the pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has had significant influences on the teaching-learning process, thus, influencing teachers’ motivation and job satisfaction. Hence, this paper aimed to examine the…
Aspiring Poetry Russell Rodrigo

Aspiring Poetry Through Famous and Classic Forms

Will it all be about your fantasies? Or about old poems from old centuries? Sitting in a new class named “poetry”, You wonder how things…
Journal of Education - Online learning technologies

Ethical issues from online learning technologies

Ethical issues in online learning have been a subject of scrutiny since the start of the infiltration of technology, remote learning, and distance learning in…
Hybrid digital natives academic performance

Hybrid for the digital natives: Impacts on academic performance and learning approaches

Multitudes of relevant learning modalities have been heavily researched in higher education, seeking effective curricular delivery to address surface learning and the demands of the…
vlogging intercultural communicative competency ESL Learners during covid thailand

Barefaced: Challenges of non-native English-speaking teachers in English language teaching industry

The struggles of Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers (NNESTs) in the English language teaching (ELT) industry still exist up to this day and have caught the attention…
vlogging intercultural communicative competency ESL Learners during covid thailand

The Thematic Trends in Men’s Research via a Content Analysis of Papers Presented at the American Men’s Studies Association Annual Conference Programs from 2010 to 2020

In this study, the researchers aim to (1) discover and explore the latest trends and directions of 1,082 masculinity-centered papers and topics presented at the…
vlogging intercultural communicative competency ESL Learners during covid thailand

Vlogging and Intercultural Communicative Competency of ESL Beginner Learners during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Bangkok, Thailand

The 21st century marks the rise of a diversified world and of the information age, which can be seen with societies becoming more multilingual and…
Vlogging Impacts on ESL beginner learner english covid

Vlogging: Impacts on ESL Beginner Learners’ English as an International Language (EIL) Competency during the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the turbulence in the learning environment brought by COVID-19, multitudes of teaching modalities and pedagogies have been heavily studied and some of them tested.…
Efficacy of indirect feedback on Thai culture

Determining the Efficacy of Indirect, Coded, Unfocused written corrective feedback in Thai cultural context

There is a wide body of literature showing that quality teacher feedback is directly related to academic success. What is not so clearly defined, however,…