Lars Lorenz

Director of Operations

Reports & Datasets

Articles in International Peer-reviewed Journals

Interview data and qualitative content analysis on social responsibility research and innovation practice
April 2023

Social responsibility in research and innovation practice and policy across global regions, institutional types, and fields: Interview data and qualitative content analysis outputs revealing the perspectives and experiences of professionals

The European Commission-funded RRING (Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally) Horizon 2020 project aimed to deliver activities that promoted a global understanding of Socially Responsible…
July 2023

Evaluating researcher and stakeholder perspectives on socially responsible research and innovation policies and practices in marine and maritime research performing organisations

The European Commission-funded GRRIP (Grounding RRI Practices) project aims to embed sustainable Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) practices in five research performing organisations (RPOs), focusing…
A repeated measures diary survey dataset from 2020 - 2021
May 2022

Life Trajectories Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Repeated Measures Diary Survey Dataset From 2020-2021

Many psychological, sociological and communication challenges have emerged or become attenuated during the COVID-19 pandemic. To understand these challenges, we need to gain an in-depth…
Vaccination thru nationality covid

Making sense of unfamiliar COVID-19 vaccines: How national origin affects vaccination willingness

Vaccination willingness is a critical factor in pandemics, including the COVID-19 crisis. Therefore, investigating underlying drivers of vaccination willingness/hesitancy is an essential social science contribution.…
Socially responsible research evaluation

Evaluating researcher and stakeholder perspectives on socially responsible research and innovation practices in research performing organisations

The European Commission-funded GRRIP (Grounding RRI Practices) project aims to embed sustainable Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) practices in five research performing organisations (RPOs), focusing…
Pandemic experience dataset

Trajectories of Experience through the Pandemic: A Qualitative Longitudinal Dataset

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a radical rupture into the lives of people around the world. Overnight society slowed to a standstill, strict rules were…
vaccination conspiracy theories in Germany causes
May 2021

What drives belief in vaccination conspiracy theories in Germany?

In the midst of a pandemic, the efficacy of official measures to mitigate the COVID-19 crisis largely depends on public attitudes towards them, where conspiracy…

A Repeated Measures Dataset on Public Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Norms, Attitudes, Behaviors, Conspiracy Thinking, and (Mis)Information

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted social and cultural issues relevant to public health and the fundamental relationship between science and society. The pandemic has necessitated…

Project Reports and Open Datasets (selected)

UNESCO evidencing 10 key priority areas

Supporting UNESCO Member States in Evidencing 10 Key Priority Areas – Measures and Indicators for Lithuania, Serbia and South Africa

The UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR) sets out a number of globally agreed expectations for national systems of science to anticipate and…
Scientist working with a microscope in a laboratory

RRING T4.3.4 ICR Results. EU-funded RRING

The RRING project included a global survey on RRI and results obtained in the project and lessons learned shaped the emerging RRING community. The project acknowledges…
GRRIP researcher survey

GRRIP WP5 – Researcher Survey

Respondents of this survey work in a research performing or research funding organisation in the marine and maritime sector which is taking part in the GRRIP…
GRRIP RPO survey

GRRIP WP5 – RPO Survey

This upload includes the survey design of the GRRIP project's WP5 Research Performing Organisation Survey. The data for this survey is not publicly available as it contains sensitive…
Grounding RRI Practices, stakeholders survey

GRRIP WP5 – Stakeholder Survey

This dataset includes the full survey data of the GRRIP project's WP5 Stakeholder Survey, including documentation about using the dataset and the original survey design.
Responsible Research and Innovation Globally Dataset

RRING Global Survey Research Dataset (WP3)

The RRING Work Package 3 (WP3) objective was to clarify how Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) operated within region-specific research and…
vaccination origin experiment

Viral Communication Phase I-II

This dataset represents the anonymised data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) project. It includes the two measurements, Phase I (30 October 2020…
Vaccine communication

Viral Communication Phase I-II Merged

This dataset represents the anonymised data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) project. It includes the two measurements, Phase I (30 October 2020…
ELSED survey

Understand-ELSED Main Survey Phase I Data

This dataset represents the anonymized data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) main survey between 30 October 2020 and 14 December 2020. Weights…
Survey statistic sheet vaccine

Viral Communication Phase I Main Survey

This dataset represents the anonymized data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) main survey between 30 October 2020 and 14 December 2020. Weights…