Juan Barbosa

Operations and Digital Media Analyst

Juan Barbosa

Operations and Digital Media Analyst

Grant-funded projects

START, Start Talking About Research Today

START Festival: Impact assessment

European Commission Horizon Europe CSA (2024-2025)
Budget:   €346,949.44
Science in the City

Science in the City: Impact assessment

European Commission Horizon Europe CSA (2024-2025)
Budget:   €291,764.88
ATLIC, Atlantic Innoblue Communities


Interreg Atlantic Area Program (2024-2026)
Budget:   €3,497,092.47


European Commission Horizon Europe CSA (2023-2025)
Budget:   €1,062,755
Global Science Communication and Perception
2021 - 2023

GlobalSCAPE: Global Science Communication and Perception

The principal aim of GlobalSCAPE is to generate a detailed picture of science communication in a global context. Recent research focused on taking stock and…
Budget:   €1,199,937
Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy
2020 - 2024

MUSICA: Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy

The overall Aim of MUSICA will be achieved by developing a replicable smart MUP. MUSICA will advance the existing FP7 funded MUP concept developed by…
Budget:   €9,000,000
2018 - 2021

RRING: Responsible Research and Innovation Networking Globally

RRING Project is initially a research project which is funded through the EU Horizon 2020 Programme. It has a series of research objectives including: Understanding…
Budget:   €3,000,000
Grounding RRI Practices
2018 - 2022

GRRIP: Grounding RRI Practices in Research Performing Organisations

We have worked on creating a sustainable, growing and proactive marine and maritime RRI community. The purpose of the GRRIP project was to deliver a…
Budget:   €1,400,000
Project Ô, Innovative circular water systems

Project Ô

European Commission Horizon2020 Innovation (2018-2022)
Budget:   €10,569,305
An exciting space outreach and education programme to spark the interest of young people in STEAM

SpaceEU: Fostering a young, creative and inclusive European Space Community

The rise of the European space industry provides new career opportunities for young people. The EU-funded spaceEU project will implement an exciting space outreach and…
Budget:   €993,883