Dr. Rosie Everett

Research and Training Officer

Dr. Rosie Everett​

Research and Training Officer

Articles in International Peer-reviewed Journals

Sustainability Science. Volume 11
Jul 2024

Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world

Language matters in shaping perceptions and guiding behaviour. The term stakeholder is widely used, yet little attention is paid to the possibility that its use may inadvertently…
Landscape Research. Irish Peatcapes

Irish peatscapes: from heritage to hybrid in the Capitalocene

The benefits of exposure to nature for human health and wellbeing have been evidenced throughout history and across global civilisations.
DNA research in archaeology

MetaDamage tool: Examining post-mortem damage in sedaDNA on a metagenomic scale

The use of metagenomic datasets to support ancient sedimentary DNA (sedaDNA) for paleoecological reconstruction has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool to understand multi-organism…
Current Archaeology. Volume 387.

For peat’s sake: peatlands, climate change and the future of archaeology

ISSUE 387 the UK, there are three main types of peatlands–fenlands, raised bog, and blanket bog–and their geographical spread is associated with how these different…
Climate change archaeology

How climate change is washing away precious evidence of our distant past

Some of the UK’s finest archaeological remains have been found buried in peat, a type of soil that’s naturally high in acidity and low in…
Peatlands and mires ecosystems

Running out of time? Peatland rehabilitation, archaeology and cultural ecosystem services

The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration places ecosystem rehabilitation at the forefront of global efforts to restore biodiversity and tackle climate change.
Geosciences. The Zagreb (Croatia) M5.5 Earthquake on 22 March 2020

Multi-proxy characterisation of the Storegga tsunami and its impact on the early Holocene landscapes of the southern North Sea

Doggerland was a landmass occupying an area currently covered by the North Sea until marine inundation took place during the mid-Holocene, ultimately separating the British…
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy

On the brink of Armageddon? Climate change, the archaeological record and human activity across the Bronze Age–Iron Age transition in Ireland

Palaeoclimatic proxies from records in northwest Europe evidence a climatic deterioration, known as the ‘2.8 ka Event’, which broadly coincided with the transition from Later…
Journal of Wetland Archaeology

Heaney’s Hauntings: Archaeology, Poetry and the ‘Gendered Bog’

In this paper we discuss the entangled relationship between literary creation, archaeology and representations of gender in the poetry of Seamus Heaney, in particular the…

Chapters in Edited Books

Europe's Lost Frontiers. Context and Methodology.

Sedimentary ancient DNA palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the North Sea landscape

A key objective of Europe’s Lost Frontiers was to recover floral and faunal information from the Early to Mid-Holocene period from ancient DNA that persists…
Europe's Lost Frontiers. Context and Methodology.

The Lost Frontiers Team

The Lost Frontiers Team Page 1 x The Lost Frontiers Team

Professional Publications (selected)

Rosie Everett Thesis. sedaDNA

Investigating the preservation of ancient sedimentary DNA (sedaDNA) from three case study wetland environments : towards better understanding of sedaDNA as a tool for palaeoecological reconstruction

This PhD is a contribution to the rapidly expanding application of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) as a tool for palaeoecological reconstruction.
Peatlands landscape

Bright Edge Deep: peatlands in history, cultural heritage, and climate

The Bright Edge Deep team presents an online exhibition inspired by the history, cultural heritage and restoration of peatlands. Through a variety of media –…