Prof. Eric Jensen

CEO and Research Director


Books (selected)

science research in the real world

Doing research in the real world: 5th Edition

From first planning to writing up your research, this complete guide will help you push your project forward. Walking you through every step you need…
World Scientific Series on Science Communication - Volume 1
March 2020

Science communication: An introduction

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent…
guide to social research - Eric Jensen, Charles Laurie

Doing real research: A practical guide to social research

Challenging the formality and idealized settings of conventional methods teaching and opting instead for a real world approach to social research, this book offers frank,…
A volume in advances in culture psychology

Culture and Social Change: Transforming society through the power of ideas.

This book brings together social sciencists to create an interdisciplinary dialogue on the topic of social change as a cultural process. Culture is as much…

Articles in International Peer-reviewed Journals

Public understanding on science
February 2016

Critical review of the UK’s “gold standard” survey of public attitudes to science. Public Understanding of Science

Since 2000, the UK government has funded surveys aimed at understanding the UK public’s attitudes toward science, scientists, and science policy. Known as the Public…
Norms and Values in UK Science Engagement Practice
January 2015

Norms and Values in UK Science Engagement Practice

In recent years, there has been a rhetorical shift from ‘deficit’ to ‘dialogue’ and ‘engagement’ in UK policy and institutional discourse about science communication. Past…
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
July 2016

SMILE: Twitter emotion classification using domain adaptation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Despite the widely spread research interest in social media sentiment analysis, sentiment and emotion classification across different domains and on Twitter data remains a challenging…
Science festivals preach to the choir
December 2015

Outreach: Science festivals preach to the choir

Science festivals are designed to expand the public's interest in science, but we find that this genre of science communication appeals mainly to a select…
Science capital
November 2015

Critical response to Archer et al. (2015). “Science Capital”: A conceptual, methodological, and empirical argument for extending Bourdieusian notions of capital beyond the arts

Archer et al. (2015) propose contributing to science education theory by introducing the concept of ‘science capital’ to supplement influential French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s theory.…
Using technology to narrow the gap between science communication research and practice
September 2015

Evaluating impact and quality of experience in the 21st century: using technology to narrow the gap between science communication research and practice

This essay begins by identifying some of the common challenges that explain this gap between evaluation evidence and practice. Automating evaluation processes through new technologies…
Measuring long-term impacts of a science center on its community
January 2016

Evaluating indicator-based methods of ‘measuring long-term impacts of a science center on its community

This article addresses some of the challenges faced when attempting to evaluate the long-term impact of informal science learning interventions. To contribute to the methodological…
Informal science learning and public engagement theory and practice
September 2015

Highlighting the value of impact evaluation: enhancing informal science learning and public engagement theory and practice

In this critical response essay, I highlight the article’s tendency to construct a straw man version of ‘impact evaluation’ that is impossible to achieve, while…
Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
April 2015

Evaluating the contribution of zoos and aquariums to Aichi Biodiversity Target 1

The United Nations Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 is a key initiative within global efforts to halt and eventually reverse the loss of biodiversity. The…
human cloning ethical debate christian fundamentalist pastors and scientists
September 2014

Cloning wild life: zoos, captivity, and the future of endangered animals

Cloning Wild Life presents a largely sociological account of endangered species cloning practices laced with narratives from the author's research. This research included interviews with…

Chapters in Edited Books

Audience segmentation on public conservation education
in press

Promise and pitfalls of audience segmentation in public conservation education

Jensen, A. M. & Jensen, E. A. (in press). Promise and pitfalls of audience segmentation in public conservation education. In E. Jensen (Ed.), Making the most of conservation…
Educational impact of zoos and aquariums, assessing current evaluation methods and ways to improve them

Why We (Still) Do Not Know the Educational Impact of Zoos and Aquariums: Assessing Current Evaluation Methods and Ways to Improve Them

This book summarizes a range of psychological research into how zoos and aquariums operate in the minds of visitors and the broader public. Bringing together…
Science Communication in South Africa. Reflections on Current Issues
January 2020

Why impact evaluation matters in science communication: Or, advancing the science of science communication

Why do we need to communicate science? Is science, with its highly specialised language and its arcane methods, too distant to be understood by the…
World Scientific Series on Science Communication - Volume 1
March 2020

Environmental communication

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent…
World Scientific Series on Science Communication - Volume 1
March 2020

Informal science education

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent…
Perspectives from Science Communication and Education
January 2017

The challenges of ‘measuring long-term impacts of a science center on Its community’: A methodological review

This chapter assesses Falk and Needham’s (2011) study of the California Science Center’s long-term impact on the Los Angeles population’s scientific understanding, attitudes, and interests.…
Genetic future and the media
November 2016

Genetic Futures and the Media

Today, public debate over genetic futures takes place within a new societal context. There is a greater emphasis from policymakers on promoting engagement between sciences…
Advances in cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development

Extending the Trajectory Equifinality Model’s conceptual methodological toolkit to account for continuous development

Making of the Future is the first English‐language coverage of the new methodological perspective in cultural psychology—TEA (Trajectory Equifinality Approach) that was established in 2004…
World Sustainability Series
May 2016

Education on Biodiversity in the Polar Regions

The polar regions are famously associated with extreme temperatures, ice, snow, legendary explorers, indigenous people, polar bears, penguins and other impressive fauna and flora. The…
Participation on museums and galleries

Creativity and culture for all? Enhancing cultural participation in museums and galleries

Museums, galleries, and festival visitors have been the subject of a great deal of research interest in recent years. However, to date little headway has…

Government Reports (selected)

Research data and impact report
2019 and 2022

Investigating the link between research data and impact (Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports)

The Institute for Methods Innovation – a research charity registered in the United States and United Kingdom – was commissioned by the Australian Research Data…
UNESCO evidencing 10 key priority areas

Supporting UNESCO Member States in Evidencing 10 Key Priority Areas – Measures and Indicators for Lithuania, Serbia and South Africa

The UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR) sets out a number of globally agreed expectations for national systems of science to anticipate and…
GRRIP researcher survey

GRRIP WP5 – Researcher Survey

Respondents of this survey work in a research performing or research funding organisation in the marine and maritime sector which is taking part in the GRRIP…
Grounding RRI Practices, stakeholders survey

GRRIP WP5 – Stakeholder Survey

This dataset includes the full survey data of the GRRIP project's WP5 Stakeholder Survey, including documentation about using the dataset and the original survey design.
Responsible Research and Innovation Globally Dataset

RRING Global Survey Research Dataset (WP3)

The RRING Work Package 3 (WP3) objective was to clarify how Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) operated within region-specific research and…
vaccination origin experiment

Viral Communication Phase I-II

This dataset represents the anonymised data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) project. It includes the two measurements, Phase I (30 October 2020…
Vaccine communication

Viral Communication Phase I-II Merged

This dataset represents the anonymised data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) project. It includes the two measurements, Phase I (30 October 2020…
ELSED survey

Understand-ELSED Main Survey Phase I Data

This dataset represents the anonymized data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) main survey between 30 October 2020 and 14 December 2020. Weights…
covid pandemic survey social dimension

Viral Communication: Longitudinal Survey Data on the Social Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This dataset represents the anonymised data collected as part of the Viral Communication (Understand-ELSED) project, which focussed on the social and ethical dimensions of the…
Space science's future consultation in the EU

Cosmic Vision Public Consultation on EU Public Attitudes about the Future of Space Science

Jensen, E. A. & Jensen, A. M. (2019). Cosmic Vision Public Consultation on EU Public Attitudes about the Future of Space Science. European Space Agency.

Professional Publications (selected)

Linking policy and practice in monitoring socially responsible research and innovation (RRI): A conceptual framework to evaluate progress through the UNESCO-led Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers

This paper sets out a high-level conceptual framework for monitoring the development of socially responsible research and innovation (RRI) systems linked to the global policy…
Introduction on cinematic science visualization for science communication

Introducing cinematic scientific visualization: A new frontier in science communication

With rapid advances in science, data processing, and computer graphics technologies, the line between representations of “real science” and “Hollywood science” is blurring. The film…
Science festivals' value for South African's scientists

South African scientists explain why they make time for science festivals

Science festivals across the world attract millions of visitors every year. They are typically busy, buzzing events: visitors stroll through interactive displays, enjoy science-themed shows…
Public attitudes toward science because of covid

Has the pandemic changed public attitudes about science?

The article explores how public attitudes toward science and scientists have evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic, as experts and evidence-based approaches took center stage in…
National Survey of Public Attitudes about Science Science Ireland

Science in Ireland Barometer 2020 National Survey of Public Attitudes about Science

In 2019, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) commissioned Qualia Analytics to run the 2020 wave of its public science attitudes survey, the SFI Science in Ireland…
UNESCO Art of RRI in World regions

State of the Art of RRI in the Five UNESCO World Regions

The overall project aim is to bring RRI into the linked up global world to promote mutual learning and collaboration in RRI. This will be…
UNESCO evidencing 10 key priority areas

Supporting UNESCO Member States in Evidencing 10 Key Priority Areas – Measures and Indicators for Lithuania, Serbia and South Africa

The UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RSSR) sets out a number of globally agreed expectations for national systems of science to anticipate and…
Researchers working conditions, responsibilities and rights

The UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers will transform working conditions, rights and responsibilities of researchers globally

While national science and innovation public policy is often in flux, truly global science policy initiatives are rare. Such a global initiative gained acceptance in…
Science communication effective based on evidence

For science communication to be effective it should be evidence based

At its best, science communication can empower research and innovation systems to address global challenges. It does this by improving the relationships with stakeholders in…
Digital projects funding

Mapping of funding for digital projects and skills

Jensen, A. M., Jensen, E. A. & Romain, S. (2017). Mapping of funding for digital projects and skills. Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS):…