Prof. Eric Jensen

CEO and Research Director


Books (selected)

science research in the real world

Doing research in the real world: 5th Edition

From first planning to writing up your research, this complete guide will help you push your project forward. Walking you through every step you need…
World Scientific Series on Science Communication - Volume 1
March 2020

Science communication: An introduction

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent…
guide to social research - Eric Jensen, Charles Laurie

Doing real research: A practical guide to social research

Challenging the formality and idealized settings of conventional methods teaching and opting instead for a real world approach to social research, this book offers frank,…
A volume in advances in culture psychology

Culture and Social Change: Transforming society through the power of ideas.

This book brings together social sciencists to create an interdisciplinary dialogue on the topic of social change as a cultural process. Culture is as much…

Articles in International Peer-reviewed Journals

Who attends European Researchers’ Night in Ireland, the UK and Malta?
July 2021

Investigating diversity in European audiences for public engagement with research: Who attends European Researchers’ Night in Ireland, the UK and Malta?

European Researchers’ Night is an annual pan-European synchronized event devoted to public engagement with research. It was first held in 2005 and now occurs in…
Youth Engagement with space education event
November 2021

Perceptions of the European Space Sector: Youth Engagement with Space Education Events

Space education not only plays a key role in helping young people understand the natural world and their impact on the planet but is also…
The shift to online space education during a global pandemic
July 2021

A place for space: The shift to online space education during a global pandemic

The COVID-19 global pandemic has transformed the relationship between science and society. The ensuing public health crisis has placed aspects of this relationship in harsh…
Socially responsible research evaluation

Evaluating researcher and stakeholder perspectives on socially responsible research and innovation practices in research performing organisations

The European Commission-funded GRRIP (Grounding RRI Practices) project aims to embed sustainable Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) practices in five research performing organisations (RPOs), focusing…
Pandemic experience dataset

Trajectories of Experience through the Pandemic: A Qualitative Longitudinal Dataset

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a radical rupture into the lives of people around the world. Overnight society slowed to a standstill, strict rules were…
vaccination conspiracy theories in Germany causes
May 2021

What drives belief in vaccination conspiracy theories in Germany?

In the midst of a pandemic, the efficacy of official measures to mitigate the COVID-19 crisis largely depends on public attitudes towards them, where conspiracy…
Norms and Values in UK Science Engagement Practice
April 2021

Why scientists agree to participate in science festivals: evidence from South Africa

Scientists are key actors in public engagement activities, such as science festivals. This study sought to explore factors that encouraged and/or deterred scientists’ participation in…
Deep-sea Diver - Self-powered soft robot mimics fish to explore extreme depths of the ocean
March 2021

Pandemic: public feeling more positive about science

Research into people’s attitudes points to a pleasing shift: science and scientists in several countries are viewed more positively now than before the pandemic. This…
Norms and Values in UK Science Engagement Practice
Feb 2021

Evaluating the effectiveness of live animal shows at delivering information to zoo audiences

Live animal shows, which combine animal facts with trained behaviours, are commonly used to engage zoo visitors globally. However, such shows have been criticised for…

A Repeated Measures Dataset on Public Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Norms, Attitudes, Behaviors, Conspiracy Thinking, and (Mis)Information

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted social and cultural issues relevant to public health and the fundamental relationship between science and society. The pandemic has necessitated…

Chapters in Edited Books

Audience segmentation on public conservation education
in press

Promise and pitfalls of audience segmentation in public conservation education

Jensen, A. M. & Jensen, E. A. (in press). Promise and pitfalls of audience segmentation in public conservation education. In E. Jensen (Ed.), Making the most of conservation…
Educational impact of zoos and aquariums, assessing current evaluation methods and ways to improve them

Why We (Still) Do Not Know the Educational Impact of Zoos and Aquariums: Assessing Current Evaluation Methods and Ways to Improve Them

This book summarizes a range of psychological research into how zoos and aquariums operate in the minds of visitors and the broader public. Bringing together…
Science Communication in South Africa. Reflections on Current Issues
January 2020

Why impact evaluation matters in science communication: Or, advancing the science of science communication

Why do we need to communicate science? Is science, with its highly specialised language and its arcane methods, too distant to be understood by the…
World Scientific Series on Science Communication - Volume 1
March 2020

Environmental communication

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent…
World Scientific Series on Science Communication - Volume 1
March 2020

Informal science education

A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. In the book, recent…
Perspectives from Science Communication and Education
January 2017

The challenges of ‘measuring long-term impacts of a science center on Its community’: A methodological review

This chapter assesses Falk and Needham’s (2011) study of the California Science Center’s long-term impact on the Los Angeles population’s scientific understanding, attitudes, and interests.…
Genetic future and the media
November 2016

Genetic Futures and the Media

Today, public debate over genetic futures takes place within a new societal context. There is a greater emphasis from policymakers on promoting engagement between sciences…
Advances in cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development

Extending the Trajectory Equifinality Model’s conceptual methodological toolkit to account for continuous development

Making of the Future is the first English‐language coverage of the new methodological perspective in cultural psychology—TEA (Trajectory Equifinality Approach) that was established in 2004…
World Sustainability Series
May 2016

Education on Biodiversity in the Polar Regions

The polar regions are famously associated with extreme temperatures, ice, snow, legendary explorers, indigenous people, polar bears, penguins and other impressive fauna and flora. The…
Participation on museums and galleries

Creativity and culture for all? Enhancing cultural participation in museums and galleries

Museums, galleries, and festival visitors have been the subject of a great deal of research interest in recent years. However, to date little headway has…

Government Reports (selected)

Strand two quantitative survey report 2018

Stakeholder Focus Research: Quantitative findings

As a public body, the Arts Council England aims to maintain effective relationships with both individuals and organisations in the arts and culture sector across…
Qualitative research with the arts and culture sector March 2018
March 2018

Stakeholder Focus Research: Qualitative findings

This research investigates stakeholders’ views about the Arts Council as part of a periodic evaluation of attitudes about the Arts Council’s priorities, work, relationships, communication,…
UK household food security report
February 2014

Household Food Security in the UK: A Review of Food Aid Final Report

This report presents findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment undertaken from February and March 2013. The aim of the research was to arrive at a…
Public dialog and social media

Role of social media-based public dialogue

As social media expand, policymakers and practitioners are increasingly considering what the role of platforms such as Twitter and Facebook should be in informing public…
Kid at the zoo with a python

Upstream public engagement at the zoo

This report describes key findings from a series of concurrent focus groups comprising the Durrell Wildlife Park - Public Participation Meeting (PPM). This PPM is…

Professional Publications (selected)

science communication

Responsible science communicators

It takes critical reflection, evidence-based practice and a community of practice to develop responsible science communication There are many different pathways into science communication. But…