IMI Projects

MUSICA: Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy

Client | FunderEuropean Commission Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Action
Years2020 - 2024


European Commission Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Action


2020 - 2024



The overall Aim of MUSICA will be achieved by developing a replicable smart  MUP. MUSICA will advance the existing FP7 funded MUP concept developed by the University of the Aegean (UoAeg) and EcoWindWater (EWW), (MUP called EWW in this proposal), currently at TRL5, to TRL7.

The EWW floating platform was successfully trialled in Heraclea in 2010 for 2 years, funded by FP7 of €2.8M, €1.8M national funds, remainder EU ESCF Cohesion Fund).