RRING Project is initially a research project which is funded through the EU Horizon 2020 Programme. It has a series of research objectives including:
- Understanding of the global State of the Art in responsibility in research
- Understanding how responsibility may contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
- Understanding and advocating responsibility in research and innovation as not only a moral value, but also as a competitive advantage for excellence in research and innovation
The RRING project included a global survey on RRI and results obtained in the project and lessons learned shaped the emerging RRING community. The project acknowledges that each region of the world is advancing its own agenda on RRI. Therefore, RRING will not be producing a Global RRI framework or strategy that is meant to be enforced in a top-down manner.
Rather, increased coherence and convergence in RRI will be achieved via a bottom-up approach, learning from best practices in RRI globally and from linkages, via the new RRING community, to develop the RRI linked-up world.
Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally – RRING is a truly global project divided into 5 geographic zones, covering the globe. It started in May 2018 with the aim to establish a sustainable RRING community by the end of April 2021.