IMI Publications

Bright Edge Deep: peatlands in history, cultural heritage, and climate

Date: 2021
Type: ,
Peatlands landscape

Nicki Whitehouse, Clare Willsdon, Gareth Beale, Tom Gardner, Althea Davies, Ben Gearey, Rosie Everett. (2021). Bright Edge Deep: peatlands in history, cultural heritage, and climate. Online Exhibition presented in partnership with: The Hunterian Art Gallery and Museum, University of Glasgow, The Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland, Historic Environment Scotland.


The Bright Edge Deep team presents an online exhibition inspired by the history, cultural heritage and restoration of peatlands. Through a variety of media – imagery and text, film and sound, poetry readings and lectures – the exhibition examines the scientific basis of peatlands as important ecosystems, and their role in capturing climate records and acting as climate mitigators. Visitors can explore this evolving exhibition through four major themes: Wilderness and Nature; Myths, Legends and the Spiritual; Landscapes of Power and Work; The Future of Peatlands. Bright Edge Deep is led by a group of art historians, archaeologists and palaeoecologists with a concern for peatland heritage (past), management (present) and restoration (future). They aim to bring together artistic, historical, cultural and scientific representations of peatlands as moderators of climate change to enhance understanding of their role as historic landscapes and ‘wild’ places of cultural and natural value for the future.